Hi! I'm currently a spectacular 17 years old and I've lived in Denver all my life. My greatest joys in life come from singing and creating works of fiction. I just love creating, doesn't matter what. Books come in a close third; I'm a junkie for a good book. I'm so excited for the Parliament in December! I can use this event to talk with other people about their homes, what they're like, etc. I've always wanted to meet people of other faiths, and this is the perfect opportunity. I hope to travel the world, and Australia is a start. I suppose you could say that the world is my home, and I'm homesick for the places I've not been to yet. This is a great chance that we're all getting, to learn about and grow into ourselves. Cheers!
When I read thoughts like "homesick for the places I've not been to yet", it's easy to see why you're so excited about the Parliament, and a creative future writing and singing. I look forward to your coverage from Melbourne. Happy trails, Raine -- JJ, Santa Rosa, CA